There has been a huge demand – for many years – to see the legendary „Steve Gadd-book‟ reprinted. Now it’s back, and it’s for free. Please, join the mailing below, and get your free PDF copy.
Hope you too enjoy it. Steve Gadd is one of a kind.
All the best. And stay in the groove.
Best regards
Hans Fagt, author and professional drummer.
shin · 7. marts 2011 at 04:44
i love steve gadd
steve gadd is god.
please send me the steve gadd book pdf
thanks! have a nice day
Eddi Jarl · 16. oktober 2010 at 10:35
Hej Hans.
Glæder mig meget til at få min Steve Gadd PDF :)
Tak for det.
Rock on!
Henrik Højbjerg · 21. juli 2010 at 13:08
Hej Hans og tak for dette tilbud :-) – den bog har sendt mange en god trommeslager på kons. Jeg glæder mig til at få den i en „ny‟ udgave
Hans Fagt · 1. juli 2010 at 14:00
You’re welcome, Adrian. And thx for the tweet
Adrian Violi · 1. juli 2010 at 11:19
Huge fan of the Gadd man. Truly one of the greats. Look forward to seeing your book!
Kristian Leth · 21. juni 2010 at 07:38
Hej Hans,
Hvor er det stort at du deler gratis ud af din bog. 1000 tak.. og tak for super fedt trommespil.. ikke mindt på den første Blast skive!!
stor hilsen
Allan Schmidt · 16. juni 2010 at 08:25
Hej Hans
Great stuff i den bog der.
Har den allerede. Købte den for mange år siden.
Stort af dig, at du lægger den ud til download.
Bedste hilsner
admin · 15. juni 2010 at 13:40
Hey Ray
What a great comment….Would love to see that DVD too…
Ray Lombardo · 15. juni 2010 at 13:14
June 15, 2010
I played a jazz gig last night and had a chance to talk during dinner with a saxphonist who played quite a few gigs with Steve Gadd while Steve was on the Army Field Band, now the Jazz Ambassadors.
It was very inspiring to hear that Steve Gadd, even in 1968 to 1971, had his signatures patterns. My friend told me he would turn around to see if the combo was suddenly augmented by a whole drum section as Steve really filled things up.
What impressed me is that Steve was just playing standard tunes and dance fare for a listening/dance crowd at the Fort Myer Officers Club and was able to tastefully incorporate his unique style into this commercial music. Also, it was interesting to hear how the time was never at question, as everything he played had a ‚set in stone-rock solid‛ time feel about it.
Steve obvioulsy knew form well and was able to play his ‚thing‛ without getting in the way of the music, a real accomplishment, IMO.
When Steve arrived to the Army Field Band at Ft Meade, he had already toured the world with Chuck and Gap Mangione and had even forged a relationship with Chick Corea.
Makes me want to go play my DVD of Steve with this Big Band during those years just to see the magic in action during these formative years.
admin · 15. juni 2010 at 11:36
You’ll all welcome….. :-)
Louis Gundelach · 14. juni 2010 at 17:05
stefan · 14. juni 2010 at 14:19
puh det var lidt af et tilbud dette her, den er jeg da spændt på at komme igang med.
tak for det
mange hilsner stefan
Jeppe Schaumburg Jensen · 14. juni 2010 at 13:15
Har signet op til mailing listen og glæder mig til at tjekke denne bog ud.
– Jeppe
Kim Thomsen · 14. juni 2010 at 09:21
Fedt! Glæder mig til at checke den bog ud, har hørt rigtig meget godt om den!!
Tak for det!
Lars Wagner · 14. juni 2010 at 08:21
JA DA!!!
Endelig kom bogen på nettet!!!
Har mange minder om den bog, og mange gode undervisnings-timer hos dig!!!
Glæder mig til et eks helt uden kaffepletter, blyants-noter, spyt-klatter, sved-dryp mm.
Stor Hilsen
Jean-Paul Pasdeloup · 14. juni 2010 at 07:15
Hi Hans, thanks for offering the possibility to get your book for free. I am looking forward! Cheers from Amsterdam! JP
Hans Gufler · 14. juni 2010 at 05:23
Vil meget gerne have en kopi af Steve Gadd bogen.
admin · 13. juni 2010 at 21:03
Hey Cristianu
I totally agree…I love his later work as much as the early stuff…
Have seen him live two times the last year. With Randy Crawford and James Taylor…Really great…
admin · 13. juni 2010 at 20:26
Hej Kasper
Bare skriv dig på mailing listen så får du download link tilsendt..
Mange hilsner
Hans Fagt
Peter Düring · 13. juni 2010 at 20:08
Tak Hans!!! Elsker den bog… Den eneste bog jeg læste i min kons tid ;-)
my man!!
Kasper Otzen · 13. juni 2010 at 19:29
Hej Hans.
Jeg vil blive super glad hvis du vil sende mig en kopi af The Steve Gadd Book.
Venlig hilsen,
Kasper Otzen
Henrik Askou · 13. juni 2010 at 18:13
The Steve Gadd Book
Christian TRAVAGLINI · 13. juni 2010 at 17:58
I’m a 44 years old Corsican, who’s still really impressed by the phenomal influence that Mister Steve GADD has done and still do for the drum community. In my humble opinion, hes like wine : more he gets older more he is better !
Total respect for the man, hope to meet the linving legend one day… :)
Paolo Torquati · 13. juni 2010 at 17:53
Hej Hans.
Har fået anbefalet din side fra Düring :O) Glæder mig til at tjekke bogen ud!
Tweets that mention The Steve Gadd book. Transcriptions of selected grooves and solos by Hans Fagt — Hans Fagt -- · 1. juli 2010 at 11:47
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Shellie. Shellie said: RT @adrianvioli: Free Steve Gadd transcription book from this site. Looks cool. […]